See attached Informational Brochure, which is incorporated herein by reference.
This is a binding contract, please read carefully.
Upon payment into the Golf Patron Plan (“Plan” hereinafter), as set out in the attached informational brochure, I will have immediate access to discounts at all four Park Board golf courses, with the option of using my Plan on rounds of golf (subject to availability on a first-come first-served reservation basis) and cart rentals.
Funds donated after three consecutive years of nonuse.
By signing this form, I acknowledge, fully understand and hereby agree that if there is no activity on, with or through my Golf Patron Plan/Account and there has been no contact by me, the Golf Patron, or one of my family members relating to this Plan or an extension of time for the allowed use of this Plan, with one of the Park Board’s Golf Professionals that operate the Golf Courses or with the Superintendent of Business Operations for the Park Board, for a period of three (3) consecutive years, and, upon the expiration of this three (3) consecutive year timeframe the Park Board will attempt to reach me at my address on file with the Park Board and if there is no response from me or one of my family members within thirty (30) days of the Park Board’s written attempt to reach me or my relatives concerning this Plan, then any and all funds remaining in my Golf Patron Plan/Account at that time shall be considered a donation and shall be donated, on my behalf, the Golf Patron, into the Golf Scholarship Fund for the use and benefit of underprivileged children under the age of 16, and a donation receipt will be mailed to me, the Golf Patron, at my address on file with the Park Board. I further acknowledge and accept it is my responsibility to keep my address current with the Park Board and the Park Board is hereby given permission to use the address it has on file for all communications with me or on my behalf.